Andrius Macas, Asta Mačiulienė, Sandra Ramanavičiūtė, Alina Vilkė, Kęstutis Petniūnas, Evelina Mačiulaitytė, Kristina Pundinaitė, Jūratė Didžbalytė, Mindaugas Deksnys, Darius Trepenaitis
The variety of focus assessed ultrasound applications and protocols in emergency department and intensive care unit setting is growing. Focus assessed protocols can provide essential information about critically ill patient. It is now the standard of care to perform focused assessment using sonography for trauma – FAST early in the evaluation of trauma patient. Other focus assessed protocols can prove to be useful as well as FAST.
Keyword(s): BLUE; FAST; RUSH; CAUSE; ophthalmology; optic nerve; intensive care; emergency medicine; bedside ultrasonography
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.037
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