Šarūnas Dailidėnas, Dainius Šimčikas, Agnė Čižauskaitė, Paulius Žeromskas
Radiation proctopathy is defined as rectal damage dueto radiation with or without inflammation.Objectives and methods. The aim of this study was topresent our clinical experience, regarding the argonplasma coagulation, in a small series of patients withradiation proctitis. Retrospective data analysis of patientstreated for radiation proctitis in a single hospitalsetting from year 2014 to 2017 was performed. Statisticaldata analysis was carried out using the SPSS20.0 software.Results. 13 patients underwent argon plasma coagulation.The female and male ratio was 1:2,25. Themean age of the patients was 70,69±13,51 years. Allmen (n=9) had radiotherapy due to prostate cancerand cervical cancer was the main cause in womengroup (n=4). Six patients (46%) had second plasmacoagulation done. Three patients (23%) had endoscopicargon plasma coagulation. Mean hospital staywas 4,47±8,83 days. Necrosis of mucous membranewas observed in one patient (7,69%).Conclusion. There is no evidence-based consensus regardingtreatment of radiation proctitis. Argon plasmacoagulation seems to be safe and effective choiceof treatment, but further studies are required to determinewhich methods should be considered as the,,gold standard” choice.
Keyword(s): radiation proctitis, argon plasma coagulation.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.080
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