Vitalija Siurblytė, Eglė Aida Bendoraitienė, Eglė Slabšinskienė, Rūta Grigalauskienė, Ingrida Vasiliauskienė, Jaunė Razmienė
Early childhood caries is one of the most common child chronic diseases in the world, especially in countries with poor socioeconomic status and in both developed and developing worlds. Odontogenic infections in untreated teeth are very frequent and make a negative impact in child’s life: it`s harmful for overall child`s health, causes poor nutrition, low body weight index, stress and anxiety, dental pain or even odontogenic sepsis; furthermore child may develop low self-esteem, have problems attending school. It is highly relevant to review current pulp therapy methods for primary teeth, because in countries with high early childhood caries prevalence the lesions are usually left untreated. This article summarizes the materials and methods of pulp therapy in primary teeth.
Keyword(s): primary teeth anatomy; pulpotomy; pulpectomy; formocresol; pulp therapy.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.060
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