Gintarė Kazbaraitė, Kristina Liesionytė
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, inflammatory, recurrent, debilitating skin disease of the hair follicle that often relentlessly progresses and presents after puberty. This rare disease manifests in painful lesions (multiple abscesses, sinus tracts, open comedones) that may cause hypertrophic scars and immobility. Aim – to evaluate primary care physicians’ knowledge about HS and objectivity association with experience duration. Methods – a questionnaire study of general practitioners. There was 35 respondents. Original questionnaire was based on guideline on hidradenitis suppurativa developed by the Guideline Subcommittee of the European Dermatology Forum. 14-18 score was evaluated as sufficient knowledge about HS. Results – there were 35 respondents: 27 (77,1%) women and 8 (22,9 %) men. Mean experience duration was 27±13,18 years. Mean objectivity score was 8,9±3,60 (min-max = 4 – 16). 3 (8,6%) respondents had sufficient knowledge about HS. There was no significant correlation between primary care physicians knowledge sufficiency about HS and experience duration (p=0,615).
Keyword(s): hidradenitis suppurativa; primary care.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.039
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