Janina Tutkuvienė
Only a few anthropometric indices (body mass, BMI, waist circumference, conicity index, skinfolds second to fourth finger lenght ratio) were investigated in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but skeleton size has not been studied yet. The objective of our study was to evaluate and determine skeleton size changes in women with PCOS. This was the first such kind study ever performed.
Methods. 197 young 20–35 years old women were examined: 116 of them satisfied Rotterdam criteria and were included into PCOS group, 81 women were included into control group. 25 longitudinal, transversal and facial measurements, body mass and 15 calculated derivative indexes were analyzed in the study.
Results. Height did not differ between PCOS patients and control group. PCOS women presented 2 cm higher trunk length, 1 cm shorter leg length and arm length and 0,3 cm longer hand (p<0,05). Arm-to-height and leg-to-height ratios were significantly lower (p<0,01), sitting height-to-leg length and sitting height-to-arm length ratios were significantly higher in PCOS patients than in controls (p<0,05). After adjustment for BMI PCOS patients presented 0,74 cm wider chest, 0,33 cm wider elbow, 0,15 cm wider hand, but 0,79 cm more narrow pelvis and wrist than controls (p<0,05). Metric and Frame indexes differed significantly between groups (p<0,01); differences remained significant after adjustment for BMI (p<0,05). PCOS patients had massive skeleton 3 times more frequently than did controls. After adjustment for BMI mandible width and upper facial depth remained significantly higher (p<0,05).
Conclusions. PCOS patients‘ trunk length is longer, while extremities are shorter than in healthy women‘s. Trunk length of 51,75 cm or higher identifies PCOS with 46,55% sensitivity and 82,72% specificity. Significantly more PCOS patients have massive skeleton – higher Frame index and picnomorphic somatotype. Wider mandibles, higher and deeper face, higher lower part of face are specific features of PCOS patients‘ facial structure. Frame index, ankle width and metric index shows the best PCOS discriminatory abilities.
Keyword(s): Polycystic ovary syndrome, height, leg length, trunk length, Frame index, mandibular width.
DOI: 10.5200/77
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