Viktorija Piščalkienė
Pain in surgery is one of the most frequent complications experienced by up to 80% of patients. Intensive and continuous pain has negative impact on patient’s emotional and physical state: malfunction of the heart and blood vessel function, increase in thromboembolic complications and in some cases risk of pneumonia. Problem of post operation pain is relevant and not fully disclosed by foreign and Lithuanian scientists. This article analyses peculiarities of after surgery pain according to surgery type and sociodemographic characteristics of patients‘ groups. Quantitative data analysis was carried out by using methods of statistical analysis (mean ranks, T test, Anova test). Representatives’ sample was 500, who had surgery operations in past 6 months. Results indicate that the most extensive pain was experienced on the first day after surgery and in 10 point scale equals to 5.3 point. Post operation pain decreases by one point during second and third days. The most extensive pain is experienced by patients after amputation of legs, Cezario, small-scale operations in general surgery, traumatologic – orthopedic surgery. Operation timing or frequency has no influence on intensity of pain. Survey indicated that general anesthesia applied during surgery has impact on the intensity of the pain. Patients with local anesthesia experienced more intensive pain than patients with general anesthesia. Gender, education, place of residence do not effect after the level of surgery pain. However, the younger patient age is, the more they suffer from after surgery pain.
The patient‘s activity in the process has maximum efficiency in post operation pain relief.
Keyword(s): Key words: pain, preoperative, postoperative period, nursing.
DOI: 10.5200/154
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