Inga Montvilienė, Tatjana Žuravliova, Sigutė Norkienė, Artūras Mažrimas
Health largely depends on lifestyle and nutrition. A child growingup in a family takes over the family lifestyle, attitudes andtraditions. However, it is not always related to a healthy lifestyleand healthy nourishment. Also, not in every family a child has achance to receive enough knowledge about it. A survey has beencurried out anonymously in a form of questionnaire, the objectwas to analyze parents` attitude to the healthy eating of pre- schoolchildren. A questionnaire has been used for the survey. The sampleconsisted of 60 respondents who are raising pre-school children.The analysis of the survey showed that parents have a partly dietaryconception ( there are not any objects), they know the principlesof good nourishment and have information about healthy eatingpyramid: however, not all the families follow them. Parents donot have enough information about food additives, supplements,GMO, food that is favorable or unfavourable to children`s health.Moreover, they are not aware of education programs and wellnessevents with health promotion activities that are being organized inpre-school institutions. Child nutrition and eating habits dependson the economic situation of a family. Parent`s attitude towards theconcept of health education varies, the vast majority understandsit as a comprehensive briefing about diseases, health and prevention,whilst one – third believe that health education is looking forstrategies to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Estimating a participationof the nurses in the education of health, according to the parents,nurses do not talk enough about the importance of healthy eating.
Keyword(s): pre-school children, family, proper nutrition
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.067
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