Julija Brožaitienė


The goal of study was to analyze preschool children experienced reactions during adaptation process and parents and nurses role in child care. In the study qualitative (parental survey) and quantitative (nurses survey) testing methods and the correlation analysis were used. The preschool children parents declare that most children poorly adapted during treatment in hospital. The time it takes from half day up to three days in the adaptation. Negative factors of adaptation: unknown environment, unpleasant odours, hospital food, strange people, unknown fear, changed date mode were detected. In order to better adapt those children who were properly prepared for hospitalization. Most children scared of medical procedures for possible pain, which causes aggression. Parent’s state that nurses normally perform only appointed procedures, inadequate listens to the child’s, communication and attention is not sufficient, get access to information. In nurses opinion the parents should be given the opportunity to participate in the taking of decisions relating to child care. Nurses must also be able to talk to the fathers, where necessary to give them support, must be given time to work with parents and be sensitive to their needs. A specific indication of the child’s parent’s supervision is required because of better cooperation with parents and the opportunity to take part in the adoption of decisions on child care.

Keyword(s): children adaptation in children’s hospital, an emotional reaction, preschool child care.
DOI: 10.5200/199
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