Renata Paškevičiūtė, Geda Klimavičiūtė
Background: Klaipeda University Hospital performs about 30000 surgical procedures every year. The operating room (OR) is a major production unit in hospital. The OR is very expensive to construct and to operate. The goal might be thought to be full utilization of all operating rooms during all hours that they are staffed and available for scheduling. Management is the ability to apply a diverse body of knowledge to accomplish planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controling a work group. Methods: We decided accidentally to choose and to analyze OR utilization. We had analyzed central operating department consisting of 9 ORs with regularly scheduled time 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (8 h), full staffed in 2009 four months period (78 workdays). Four months (78 workdays) of data were collected from the 9 operating rooms surveys. Holidays and weekends were excluded.The data was analyzed using “ Statistica” version 7.Results: There were performed 1982 surgical procedures (elective – 1807 (91,2%), urgent – 99 (5%), cancelled – 76 (3,8%)) during investigated period regularly scheduled time (8 h). Actually utilized OR time of all 9 ORs was 4648 h (82,76%), it was planned to work 5616 h. Our OR utilization was 82,76% during investigated period. Total under – utilized time was 968 h (17,36%). Surgeon estimated surgical procedure time was longer than actual surgical procedure time, variability of case duration between surgical teams was high. Turnover time mean duration was 28 min. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that our central operating department have been worked efficiently (OR utilization was 82,76%, case cancellation rate was 3,8%, mean turnover time was 28 min, prolonged turnovers were less than 10%) in 2009 (four month period).
Keyword(s): operating room (OR) management; regularly scheduled OR time; allocated OR time; case duration; actual surgical procedure time; surgeon estimated surgical procedure time; OR utilization; OR workload; turnover time; actually utilized OR time; OR efficiency.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.083
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