Svajūnė Goštautaitė, Viktorija Piščalkienė, Sari Laanterä, Leena Uosukainen
The aim of this study was to evaluate children‘s postoperativepain assessment and management methodsapplied in practice by nurses from Lithuaniaand Finland.
Methods. Individual in – depth semi – structured interviewsby non – probabilic snowball (network) andpurposive sampling, data content analysis. 20 nursesin Lithuania and 5 nurses in Finland, who work atpediatric surgical and pediatric wards, where childrenafter surgeries are treated.
Results. The research has shown differences betweenpostoperative school – age children‘s pain managementpractise by Lithuanian and Finnish nurses. Lithuaniannurses use smaller variety of these methodsthan nurses from Finland. All nurses agree thatnon – pharmacological children pain management iseffective and useful.
Conclusions. The usage of subjective and objectivepain assessment methods by Finnish and Lithuaniannurses is similar, just Lithuanians mostly trust subjectiveverbal and objective behavioral, appearancepain assessment methods, whereas Finnish combineand use all the subjective pain assessment methodslike verbal, parental assessment and using scales aswell as objective behavioural assessment. There isa difference between pain management practise byFinnish and Lithuanian nurses. Finnish nurses evenlyuse all of non – pharmacological methods, whereasLithuanian nurses mostly trust on physical and rehabilitationmethods as well as communication.
Keyword(s): non-pharmacological management, postoperative pain, children.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.099
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