Dagmara Reingardienė
SummaryAcute injury to the spinal cord, especially at the cervical level, results in severe hypotension and persistent bradycardia that are common components of the phenomenon known as neurogenic shock. Neurogenic shock (distributive) from autonomic disturbance with interruption of sympathetic pathways with associated parasympathetic excitation. In addition to neurogenic shock, the acute phase of spinal cord injury is also associated with “spinal shock”. Some authors use these terms interchangeably. However, it is important to recognize that these are 2 clinically important and distint conditions. Neurogenic shock is characterized by changes accuring in blood pressure control following spinal cord injury, whereas spinal shock is characterized by a marked reduction or abolition of sensory, motor, or reflex function of the spinal cord below the level of injury.
Keyword(s): Neurogenic shock, spinal cord injury, spinal shock.
DOI: 10.5200/29
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