Nomeda Rima Valevičienė, Beatričė Margytė, Berta Vištartaitė, Barbora Grinevičiūtė
There is a necessity to perform magnetic resonance imaging for people with implanted electrocardiostimulators, while the number of patients with implanted electrocardiostimulators and indications of magnetic resonance tomography are rapidly increasing. In 2014, Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Clinics, the Centre of Radiology and Nuclear medicine the first magnetic resonance imaging for patiens with implanted electrocardiostimulators started being performed. In this article a retrospective analysis of indications, findings and overview about global practice in this area is presented. We want to introduce one of the first magnetic resonance imaging for the patient with implanted electrocardiostimulator in Lithuania.
Keyword(s): MRI; electrocardiostimulator; contraindications; 1,5 T; imaging
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.049
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