Andrius Macas, Diana Bilskienė, Giedrė Bakšytė, Asta Mačiulienė, Laura Šilinskytė, Tomas Bukauskas, Jurgita Kuzminskienė, Jurgita Vinčiūnienė
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a relatively invasive, low risk imaging procedure, which allows better and more quickly assess the hemodynamic changes in operation. Patient hospitalization time reduces up to 39% for proper correction of hypovolemia. Elective surgery with cardiac ultrasound in patients with a high risk of cardiovascular events, it can be seen early coronary events and to take corrective measures. Previously undetected pathology was found to 80% of patients in emergency operations and 23% of cases replaced by the planned surgery, which has not been indicated. Thus TEE may have a benefit during noncardiac as well as cardiac surgery.
Keyword(s): transesophageal echocardiography, perioperative, hemodynamic.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.019
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