Simona Paulikienė



One of the trends of the reform for education of health care specialists is reform of vocational education and training of anesthesia and intensive care nurses. Education and training of anesthesia and intensive care specialist in different countries is carried out differently. Therefore, World Health Organization and European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations prepared and presented recommendation for education and training of these health care specialists. In this paper the conception of anesthesia and intensive care nurse is reviewed, and changes of education and training of these health care specialists in Lithuania are analyzed. It is shown that current anesthesia and intensive care specialist education and training regulations only partly correspond to tendencies European reforms. Unified anesthesia and intensive care nurse education and training standard in Europe will provide possibility for EU citizens to get qualified nursing and will enable and promote exchange of such specialist in EU countries. So, it is recommended for Lithuania while preparing standard for education and training of anesthesia and intensive care nurses to take in account recommendations of World Health Organization and European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations.

Keyword(s): Anesthesia and intensive care nurse, reform of vocational education and training.
DOI: 10.5200/35
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