Mantė Agnė Jurkevičiūtė, Egidijus Rimkus
The efficiency and scale of outpatient rehabilitation provided by the first stage health care institutions can not outperform those provided by second and third stage health care institutions. However, the outpatient rehabilitation provided by first stage health care center in Palanga can significantly improve the chronic disease treatment, decrease disability and improve quality of life to the patients. Everyday there are provide 25 massage, 10 kinesitherapy and around 40 physical therapy procedures.. Every year around 700 are provided 4000 procedure to the patients. More specifically, 300 patients went through 2200 individual kinesitherapy treatment procedures and around 900 patients had 5800 physical therapy procedures. Medical procedures are performed on individuals once per year based on doctors’ recommendations regardless in which primary health center they are registered. The primary health center in Palanga has a license to provide services of physical medicine and rehabilitation nurse as well as massage and assistance to kinesitherapist. Based on medicine law MN:2005 section on family doctor’s duties, competence and responsibility, there is no precise determination of family doctor’s legitimate to provide rehabilitation treatment, hence this treatment is provided by rehabilitation therapist, working in licensed rehabilitation institution.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): primary health center; outpatient rehabilitation
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.140
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