Jerzy Pobocha
Based on the analysis of the literature, the paper discusses problems of impulse control disorder diagnoses, coded in ICD-10 as the F63, and the results of epidemiological studies on the prevalence of these disorders. In 2009, 169 patients diagnosed with F63 were hospitalized in Poland, including 143 pathological gambling, 5 kleptomania and 3 trichotilomania cases. Shoplifting, which causes serious economic losses, may be triggered in some cases by psychopathology. Studies of people suffering from pathological gambling using fMRI brain mapping and conflicting approaches to expert’s opinions on such people’s sanity are described. The following are used for treatment of impulse-control disorders: antidepressants, opiate antagonists, mood stabilizers and Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapy. In 2009, 4,572 people were killed in road accidents in Poland, more than in France or Germany. Occurrence of intermittent explosive disorder among courtreferred and self-referred aggressive drivers is discussed. Awareness of diagnosis and possibilities of treatment of impulse control disorders will reduce health problems, as well as social and legal issues these people face.
Keyword(s): impulse control disorder diagnoses, coded in ICD-10 as the F63, Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapy
DOI: 10.5200/280
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