Tomas Miklius, Artūras Razbadauskas, Jūratė Sučylaitė
Research aim – to evaluate the effect of neck relaxation and ocular exercises on seeing. Survey was done January – April months of 2016. 90 people voluntarily participated in the study, 45 of them were near-sighted and other 45 were farsighted. Research entities were divided into three groups, each of group had two subgroups: I group near-sighted (n=15) and far – sighted (n=15) had eye exercises, II group near-sighted (n=15) and far- sighted (n=15) had postisometric relaxation, III group near-sighted (n=15) and far- sighted (n=15) had post isometric relaxation and eye exercises together. For the selection of research participants and for evaluation of quality of seeing of near-sighted visual acuity table (Selens) was used, text reading table was used for far-sighted . Visual strengthening programme was applied daily, for 10 days in a row. Statistical data processing and analysis were applied. This research was done in accordance with the ethics. Research results have showed, that in the end of eye strenghtening programme that visual improvement was found in all groups. Significant improvement was found in a group, which had postisometric relaxation and ocular exercises together. Postisometric neck and shoulder relaxation effectively improve myopia eyesight.The efect of method of postisometric relaxation combined with eye exercises and the efect postisometric relaxation separately statistically do not differ (P = 0.589, P> 0.05) . Eye exercises had a positive but statistically insignificant effects on hyperopia and myopia eyesight (p> 0.05).
Keyword(s): cervical spine; postisometric relaxation; nearsighted; farsighted; visual improvement; eye exercises.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.103
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