Rimantė Pereckienė, Audronė Astrauskienė, Brigita Zachovajevienė, Pavelas Zachovajevas


Research aim was to identify functional relationships of the respiratory system for different gender childrens. There took part in research the children, which parents where informed about execution procedure and the parents accepted using of research results. Persons for research were detected according following criterions: age 7-8 years old, no motoric development problems, no infections invasions, ability for free physical action and freedom for activity after school time, no additional sporting after school time, no problems in case of breath and breath channels muscules. There were evaluated living capacity of lungs using pyrometer. Maximal exhalation speed measured using pneumotachometer. Power of breath muscules measured maximal inhalation (PImax) and exhalation (PEmax) pressure using pneumotonometer. The measurement device Micro Medical RPM used for maximal breath pressure measurement in this research. There were detected, that 39% of girls living capacity of lungs is normal limits, the rest 61% proportions are: 28% girls have less living capacity of lungs than the norms, and 33% have bigger than the norms are (p<0,05). Data of boys during living capacity of lungs evaluation and comparing it to the norms have the following results: 17% have living capacity of lungs below norms, and it is the smallest part in this research. Data according norms limits are 42%, and results, what exceed‘s the norms, are 43% (p<0,05). Conclusion. The boys usually have living capacity of lungs, maximal exhalation flow speed, maximal inhalation and exhalation pressure above norms and higher than that indexes of girls are. There exist functional relationships between functional indexes: if one of indexes is higher, other indexes increase in it‘s values too.


Article in Lithuanian

Keyword(s): children; respiratory system; functional index; gender
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.039
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