Lilija Rusakevič, Renata Šturienė, Jonas Kairys, Miglė Lamanauskaitė
The objective of the thesis is to assess the knowledge about cardiovascular disease prevention program in men aged 40 – 55 and women aged 50 – 65 years old. 29 closed – question questionnaire was prepared to carry out the study. The survey carried out from the 29 of January, 2016 up to the 31 of March, 2016. March 31, in public institution Šeškinės clinic. The study involved a total of 145 men and 145 women. The respondents, with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, were selected by age – men aged 40 – 55 years old and women aged 50 – 65 years old. 82,1 % (n=238) of the population, the majority of who were women, have heard about the ongoing cardiovascular disease prevention program in Lithuania. The study found that women compared with men, with 2.39 times the odds were heard about cardiovascular disease prevention program in Lithuania (OR = 2.39; 95 CI: 1.27 to 4.51; p <0.001). 43.8 % (n=127) of respondents, the majority of who were women, indicated that they have enough knowledge about this program. According to the respondents, the preferred method of providing information is direct contact (67.2 %, n=195). 59.0 % (n=171) of subjects learned about the program from doctor, while 44.8 % (n=130) subjects from nurses. 88,3 % (n=256) of the respondents are interested in a healthy lifestyle, including more women (58.2 %, n=32) than in men (41.8 %, n=23). 34,1 % (n=99) of the respondents indicated addictive behavior.
Keyword(s): cardiovascular disease; prevention program; lifestyle.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.005
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