Inga Mikutavičiene, Rasa Šulskienė
Methadone maintenance is effective in reducing injection drug use, needle sharing, and the overall mortality associated with opioide abuse. Scientific literature describes that efficiency of methadone maintenance program depends not only on methadone dose, but also on ancillary services which helps to achieve the positive patients life quality changes. The main aim of this study is to reveal the life quality changes of opioid-dependent individuals involved in the methadone maintenance. The 16 narrative interviews were conducted with 8 individuals addicted to opioids. Each patient was interviewed twice. This strategy has helped to split the interview into two topics. The first one was related with childhood and youth life experience, and the next interview was concerning deeper understanding the patients’ experience of participation in a methadone program, analyzing the change of life.
The study showed positive changes in the quality of life in all dimensions: improved physical health, treated diseases, appeared self-care skills; there is no withdrawal symptoms, decreased anxiety, and tension, increased independence, developing self-analysis skills, independence, social skills and responsibility. Significantly developed social relationships, appeared work motivation. The main source of income remains the allowances and episodic unskilled work.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): methadone maintenance; life quality; opioid-dependent individuals
DOI: 10.5200/344
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