Viktorija Grigaliūnienė, Aušrinė Kontrimienė, Aušra Račkauskienė, Renata Stacevičienė, Viktoras Šaferis
Bullying among young people is one of the biggest problems in nowadays life. Children who undergo bullying, harassment and social abuse at schools allways experience a lot of stress factors: fear, helplessness, sadness and problems of self–confidence.
The objective of the study was to investigate economical and psychosocial impact on bullying in schools of Kaunas region.
Material and methods.We investigated pupils from the 6, 7, 8 classes from 11 to 16 years old. The study was performed in the randomly chosen different schools of Kaunas region. 527 pupils (270 boys and 257 girls) were questioned during this research. Questionnaire was anonymous and elaborated by the authors.
Results. The research showed that pupils are susceptible for bullying among themselves; 40,3 pct. of pupils answered that they are often being mocked (a few times in a week or a few times in a month); 71,5 pct of all the pupils answered that they are bullying other pupils at school; boys are bullying more often (11,2 pct. α=0.05, β<0.15) than girls. The probability of bullying to appear is raised by having conflicts in the family for both girls and boys. The chance to start bullying is raised if girls or boys are being mocked at school themselves. Girls are more sensitive for the bullying at school than boys so their behavior is more influenced by that. economical differences induce bullying to appear.
Conclusions: Boys are bullying 11,2 pct more often than girls; psychosocial influence is very important both to girls and boys for bullying to appear; psichosocial impact is more important among the girls for bullying to appear; pupils who have better material well-being economical influence has bigger impact for bullying to appear; bullying is being induced by the fact that pupils themselves suffer from bullying.
Keyword(s): bullying; economical impact; psychosocial impact; children
DOI: 10.5200/295
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