Algirdas Juozulynas
The article analyzes health stipulated quality of life priority and development distribution among urban society. The study was carried out using the Quality of life questionnaire WHOQOL – 100. 1233 citizens were interviewed of the Vilnius city. Data was processed by using conventional analysis algorithm of the questionnaire. This study confirmed the health development tendency caused by the quality of life: the mean of quality of life areas value decreases, increasing age. Mean values of quality of life ranged from 8 to 15 points in the scale of 4 – 20 points. The priority area of the quality of life was defined by independence area. Significant impact of this area had independence of medical and medicine absence, and efficiency system functioning of health and social care. Worst rated environment area. Health and social care quality had bigger influence to the quality of health and social care, which level ranged from 12,95 in the young age to 11,49 points of the 60 years age. With the age decreasing physical security of the people. Its value ranged from 13.41 to 11.21 points. Financial resources ranged from 13,72 to 11,74 point. Other areas occupied an intermediate position between independence and environmental.
Keyword(s): Quality of life, development priorities, age.
DOI: 10.5200/64
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