Tomas Tamošiūnas, Renata Ruseckaitė, Monika Laukytė, Ignė Bunevičiūtė
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the main causes of death in Lithuania. Treatment success depends on time from symptoms onset to reperfusion. The main aim of our study was to investigate prehospital delay time and the influencing factors for prehospital delay in patients with AMI. Methods and results: we interviewed 100 patients with AMI face-to-face. There were 94 patients in the final analysis. Patients were categorized into 2 groups: time from symptoms onset to decision to seek medical care ≤ 6 hours (Ist group) and > 6 hours (IInd group). The median (25th, 75th procentiles) prehospital delay time was 235 (89; 728) min. Influencing factors for prehospital delay were symptoms onset at night (OR=2,658; 95% CI=0,998 – 7,078; p=0,046), thoughts their symptoms were associated with others diseases (GS=3,64; 95% CI=1,29 – 10,272; p=0,012), the living in rural area, compared with urban (OR= 3,611; 95% CI=1,311 – 9,955; p=0,044). Conclusions: patients prehospital delay time was too long. The statistically significant risk factors for prehospital delay were symptoms onset at night, thoughts their symptoms were associated with others diseases, the living in rural area. It is necessary to improve public knowledge about AMI.
Keyword(s): acute myocardial infarction; prehospital delay; risk factors.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.016
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