Švitrigailė Grincevičienė
Pharmacy specialists are responsible for counsel ling about rational use of medicinal substance in so ciety, but not all of them provide advice for the pa tients. So the aim of this study was to analyze the association between counselling of pregnant wom en at Lithuanian pharmacies about rational use of medicinal substances and pharmacy specialist’s age and educational background. Methods. Random sample of Lithuanian pharmacy specialists (N = 440) was anonymously questioned during the period of March-October, 2012. “FIP reference paper on the effective utilization of pharmacists in improving maternal, newborn and child health” was used for the development of questions about the counselling of pregnant women about rational use of medicinal substances. Results. The odds ratio of more frequent counselling was higher in the case of millennial generation comparing with baby boomers (OR = 3.521 (CI 95% = 6.135 – 2.020)). Higher proportion of pharmacists, compared to pharmacy technicians (p< 0.05), were counselling about rational use of synthetized medicinal substances and non-pharmacological alternatives (millennial generation) and almost all topics of rational use of medicinal substances (baby boomers). Conclusions. Age was associated with the frequency of counselling about rational use of medicinal substances. Age and educational background was associated with counselling topics during pregnancy.
Keyword(s): counselling; pharmacy specialist; pregnancy; education; age
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.049
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