Rytis Leonavičius, Virginija Adomaitienė
Compulsive buying (oniomania) is a behavioral disorder, manifesting as inexorable desire to shop mostly absolutely needless goods. It causes for individual and society (either its part – community, family) adverse consequences. The syndrome is presented by initial tension period, state of failing to resist the temptation to buy, and relief episode after the action is over.
Oniomania is found in approximately 5% of the United States population, and approximately 80% of those affected are female. his disorder is frequently comorbid with mood, anxiety, substance abuse and eating disorders. Some psychiatrists believe compulsive buying is more indicative of an impulse control disorder, others think it is more indicative of an obessive-compulsive disorder or even an addiction. Regarding Lithuanian tradition it could be described as F63,8 or F63,9 (Other or Unspecified habit and impulse disorders). We are providing clinical data of diagnostic challenge, treatment and achievements of 41 year old female, who was 32 days treated in Psychiatric Department of Lithuanian Health Sciences University Hospital Kaunas Clinic.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): oniomania, compulsive buying, shopping addiction, habit and impulse disorders
DOI: 10.5200/274
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