Antanas Goštautas, Romualdas Žekas, Laurynas Dilys, Nijolė Goštautaitė-Midttun
The effectiveness of the globally applicable, continuous, intensive teaching measures were confirmed in Kaunas region schools during the period 2002-2005. The aim of this article is to determine further changes in student smoking, attitudes and behaviour related to smoking in the period of 2005-2012 in the context of the methodology of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey – (GYTS). 3250 and 1800 seventh to ninth grade students participated respectively in the surveys of 2005 and 2012. The questions were divided into 6 thematic groups and in the 2012 survey compared to 2005 there was a significant decrease in the percentage of boys who had tried smoking (p<0.05) and those who smoked other tobacco product than cigarettes during a past month, but there was an increase in the percentage of students who think to start smoking in the next 12 months and believe that boys who smoke have more friends (p<0.05). There was a decrease in the percentage of students living in the house where people smoke, who smoke at their home themselves, who buy cigarettes in a store (p<0.05). However in 2012 a higher percentage of students buying cigarettes in a store indicated that they were sold cigarettes, regardless of their age. In 2012 a lower percentage of students who want to quit smoking received assistance or support for quitting smoking. There was a decrease in the percentage of students who saw at least one cigarette ad in the newspapers or magazines within 30 days and in the percentage of those who were offered free cigarettes or have an object with a cigarette brand logo. In 2012 a higher percentage of students indicated that they discussed about the dangers of smoking at school during the lessons but lower percentage than in GYTS survey in Lithuania in 2009. The changes in smoking prevalence, attitudes and behavioural more favourable towards health were found in 2005-2012 among 7-9th grade students in Kaunas region schools, but level of smoking is still dangerous to their health.
Keyword(s): students smoking; smoking changes; Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS); Kaunas region; attitude towards smoking; smoking prevention
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.112
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