Judita Daratienė
The purpose is to evaluate the key advantages and drawback of reform of the medical rehabilitation of SCI patiens, to establish its influencing factors and, based on the date of analysis and the opinion of the experts participating in the development of rehabilitation system, to develop suggestions how to improve the quality of rehabilitation services patiens after SCI in Palanga rehabilitation hospital (PRH). The practical part analysis the changes in the rehabilitation system in the period from 1992 to 2009.
Having reached the set objectives it has been established that the changes in the rehabilitation system in PRH in period from 1992 to 2009 were essential. Individual legal acts directly influenced the changes in the structure of rehabilitation services in the course of development of the priority directions of rehabilitation SCI patients by improving the quality and accessibility of the services. Three main periods are considered in the development: the fist period – employment of some procedures of physical and electrical therapy, the second – development of multiprofile rehabilitation, and third – development of comprehensive rehabilitation system. The financing methods of the rehabilitation service from the State patient territorial Fund directly influenced the removal of the uneven distribution of the territorial accessbility.
The analysis showed that the system is developing in the right direction. The structure of the rehabilitation services from 1992 to 2009 changed significanty. The strategic goal to change from the sanatoria, treatment of light patients to the medical rehabilitation of heavy cases was implemented.
Keyword(s): spinal cord injury, rehabilitation team, internationas classification after spinal cord injury, patients after spinal cord injury
DOI: 10.5200/7
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