Daiva Bartkevičienė
Background: To analyse risk factors for bacterial vaginosis (BV); to evaluate concentrations of cytokines IL-1ß and IL-1ra in vaginal lavage of pregnant women and analyze their relation with BV.
Materials and methods: Vaginal lavage samples were obtained from 81 women who were between the 18th and 22nd week of an uncomplicated singleton pregnancy. BV was diagnosed pursuant to Amsel criteria and Nugent scoring. Cytokines were measured by immunoassay.
Results: Living place, education, working and living conditions, gynaecological history increased the risk of BV. Cytokine IL-1ß was not found in the vaginal lavage of women without BV; cytokine IL-1ß was always found in vaginal lavage of women with BV. Cytokine IL-1ra concentration was higher in women with BV.
Conclusion: Social factors, history of gynaecological diseases, peculiarities of sexual life-style are some risk factors for development of BV. Higher levels of cytokines in the vaginal lavage of pregnant women may lead to detection of lower genital tract infection.
Keyword(s): Bacterial vaginosis; Risk factors; Cytokine IL-1ß; Cytokine IL-1ra
DOI: 10.5200/169
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