Lina Šakienė, Natalja Istomina, Sanna Salantera


In Lithuania, still not enough attention is paid to patientswho are under the conditions of digestive tractsurgery, perioperative rehabilitation and social integration.There is a lack of reasonable patient-orienteddisease-related information about procedures,problems, complications and vital skills for hospitalizedand discharged patients to obtain. Realizingwhat these patients know, need to know and fromwhom they should receive information is essentialto ensure both quality care and decent everyday life.The purpose of the study was to explore patients’information needs before or after digestive tract surgeryin order to find out the ways how to met thoseneeds.Methods. Qualitative descriptive study design wasconducted. Patients over 18 age old (n-52) have participatedin the interview during their hospitalisation.Data were collected in three big Klaipeda cityhospitals. Data were analyzed by using content analysisand SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 20) analysis.All ethical standards were obtained.Results: patients lack knowledge about nursing andtreatment; they would like to be included in the processesof nursing and treatment. Patients are not includedin nursing planning process. Patients wouldlike to have the opportunity to choose nursing andtreatment. Patients need information about their diseasesymptoms management and self-care at homeafter surgery. Patients should be provided with allimportant information in writing.Conclusion. According to patients with digestivetract surgery, they do not but they would like to get information as well as be involved in the process ofmaking solutions concerning their nursing and treatment.Developing recommendations the medical staff(nurses and physicians) should take into accounttheir need for information and the opportunity tochoose their nursing and treatment.

Keyword(s): information needs, decidion making, digestive tract surgery
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.088
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