Gintaras Butkus
The aim of this study is to analyse the peculiarities of the work methods of a forensic psychologist as well as to evaluate the practical demand for psychological evaluation in perspective. The problem analysed is the integration of normative (quantitative) and interpretive (qualitative) research strategies in forensic psychologist activity. Having analysed legal expert documentation, scientific psychological evaluation literature and the results of forensic psychologist practice, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The methodical complexity of psychological research of forensic psychologists depends on the type of forensic examination: a single-person forensic psychology examination or a psychological research in the framework of forensic psychiatry. 2. In the context of forensic psychiatry, psychological tests have the characteristics of interpreting paradigm, case study and quality research, the variety of which depends on the aims of the client. 3. The prospective task of forensic psychologists is to provide special knowledge on the assumptions of the individual psychological peculiarities of a person, including the presumptions for maturity and possible behaviour correction, which may render beneficial to court in deciding the limits of criminal liability and sentence.
Keyword(s): psychological research; forensic psychological expertise; normative and interpretive paradigm.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.098
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