Žibuoklė Senikienė, Sandra Pajaujytė, Milda Gintilienė, Genovaitė Šimonienė-Kazlauskienė, Vilma Jurkštienė
A significant increase in the sale of energy drinks was 2005 – 2006, when was the first alcohol cocktails and energy drinks appeared on the market. At the same period these drinks has been gaining popularity in Lithuania as well. The popularity of energy drinks among young people is increasing. Studies show that consumption of energy drinks is often associated with physical and mental health. The energy drinks contains a variety of materials – taurine, guarana, carnitine, ginsenosides, dextrose, inozidol, vitamins B6 and B12 – all of them distinguished by its toning effect. The data presented in studies show that energy drinks consumption is potentially harmful for the additional workload of the heart and for decrease of blood flow velocity in brain. The aim was to assess students‘ knowledge about the impact of energy drinks and analyze reasons of consumption of these drinks. The study was carried out in 2011- 2015, at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS) and Kaunas College (KC). There were interviewed 200 I – III course students from LUHS and 100 I – III year students from KK; aged 19 to 22 years. Students were investigated using survey method, by questionnaire in writing. Questions – closed and open type, with multiple-choice answers. More than half of the surveyed students consume energy drinks. We assume that they represent the student population trends. The consumption of energy drinks among young people from 19 to 22 years is not associated with physical activity. The most common intention of using energy drinks is to increase the mental powers. Participants declaired they know about the negative effects of energy drinks, but they do not take them into consideration while using the drinks.
Keyword(s): energy drink; coffeine; consumption causes.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.083
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