Audra Janovskienė, Vykintas Pliavga, Jonas Zigmantavičius


Background: Vertical bone resorption begins as soon as the tooth is extracted and, if not stopped, continues until the alveolar bone is completely atrophic. Various ma­terials and techniques are used to rebalance the bone, which helps to restore the stable height of the alveolar bone. Three techniques are reviewed in this study: po­lytetrafluoroethylene membrane (PTFE), titanium mesh (Ti-mesh), and tenting pole. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of three different vertical augmentation techniques.

Methods: A systematic review of the literature was per­formed according to the PRISMA guidelines in search of clinical trials published between 2017 and 2022. Electronic literature searches were conducted inde­pendently by two authors.

Results: Studies indicate a vertical gain of alveolar bone from 2.36 ± 0.28 mm to 5.6 ± 2.6 mm, when using PTFE, and the mean vertical gain of alveolar bone was from 1.5 ± 1.6 mm to 6.36 mm when using Ti-mesh, and 1.72 ± 0.78 mm to 2.87 ± 0.79 mm bone gain using tenting pole technique.

Conclusion: Three used techniques: polytetrafluoroethy­lene membrane (PTFE), titanium mesh (Ti-mesh), and tenting pole showed acceptable results in the process of vertical augmentation. However, this study did not find robust evidence of which technique is the most effective.

Keyword(s): polytetrafluoroethylene, titanium mesh, tenting pole, vertical augmentation.

DOI: 10.35988/sm-hs.2022.175
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