Neringa Tarvydienė, Monika Steponkienė, Faustas Stepukonis, Sigutė Norkienė


Health inequality can be defined as the state of health of the population differences among the various groups of people, which leads health determinants. Human health the most dependent of lifestyle and behaviour. In 2007, 2011 and in 2014 year were performed three of the adult population lifestyle and health research in Klaipeda region, which aim – to set the adult population lifestyle and health inequality by socio-economic indicators in Klaipeda region. The questionnaire was concluded on the basis of adult Lithuanian population lifestyle survey questionnaire. In the study was used a multi-stage probability random selection. Researcher in rural areas randomly chosen street odd houses and interviewed adult whose birthday is closest. Researcher in cities randomly chosen street blocks with odd house numbers, went to every other odd accommodation and interviewed adult whose birthday is closest. According to the survey results, daily and sometimes smoking in the population decreased 12,5 percent from 2011 to 2014 and consumption of vegetables at least 3 times a week decreased 39,9 percent from 2007 to 2014. However, consumption of alcoholic beverages two or more times a week increased by 8,9 percent, fruit consumption increased by 30,1 percent, playing sports at least 4 times a week increased by 18,1 percent in Klaipeda region. There are smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, vegetables, fruits, eating habits, physical activity inequality among the adult population of socio-economic indicators – sex, residence, education, marital status, employment.

Keyword(s): health risk factors; health inequality; lifestyle; socio-economic indicators.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.104
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