Vilma Rastenienė, Aurelija Blaževičienė
The aim of the paper was to find out what is known about how do people effectively manage their illness, heart and cardiovascular diseases, themselves in the advanced stages of their disease.
Material and Metods. An integrative review.
Results. Promotion of self-managment in patients with a viable health care strategy in order to maintain health and prevent exacerbations. Optimal treatment of care, patients‘ self-managment promotion reduces the financial costs of treating patients. Increasing the patient‘s ability to achieve a healthy lifestyle, the application of medical recommendations to recognize the symptoms and signs of consultations with health care professionals can reduce repeated hospitalization rates. For health care professionals self-managment education promotion is a great strategy to improve patients‘ quality of life.
Conclusions. Self management strategies for people with heart and cardiovascular disease should be related to helping them cope with pain and debilitating symptoms, coping emotionally and adjusting psychosocially to their illness, and alleviating distress associated with symptoms that can not easily be improved. Examples of good practice should be formally evaluated.
Raktiniai žodžiai: self-management, cardiovascular disease, health-related quality of life.
DOI: 10.35988/sm-hs.2020.149
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