Ilja Lebedev, Saidi Sait-Huseinovich Gaibov, Jekaterina Zakharchuk, Artiom Sominov, Julija Andrejeva, Brigita Miežienė, Natalja Fatkulina


This work provides data and analysis of lipidemic spectrum from 421 patients who had experienced transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke and either were residents of Khanty-Mansiysky District or were working via shifts in the region when lesion occurred. We evaluated numerous major lipid criteria, mainly cholesterol blood concentration and lipid spectrums. We also studied correlating data on cerebrovascular accidents prevalence comprised in studied region. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v13.0, significance level of p<0,05.

Statistical analysis revealed lack of significant difference in average levels of cholesterol, high-density and low-density lipoproteins (HDL and LDL respectively), triglycerides (Tr) between residents and shift-workers. Moreover, those levels of all studied parameters aside from HDL were significantly higher when compared to people from more southern parts on Tyumen region. Most deviant parameter was LDL at rate of 63,5% occurrence of deviation in studied group of patients. We found no links between either gender or age and revealed changes.

Our research shows high incidence of dyslipidemia in studied population. During our study we revealed no significant difference in dyslipidemia between residents and shift-workers who were originally alien to Far North’s conditions. Further research of bigger scale is required to either confirm this data or reveal actual difference. Based on our analysis, we could recommend normalization of lipidemic levels in TIA-afflicted cohort of patients to decrease risk of ischemic stroke.

Raktiniai žodžiai: dyslipidemia, lipidemic spectrum, TIA, stroke, patient.

DOI: 10.35988/sm-hs.2020.048
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