Aleksejus Zorinas, Donatas Austys, Vilius Janušauskas, Zita Butkienė, Rimantas Stukas, Robertas Stasys Samalavičius, Kęstutis Ručinskas
The rupture of a papillary muscle is usually associated with the previous occurrence of myocardial infarction, but it may have another etiology. The authors of this article have found no reports about anterolateral papillary muscle rupture caused by a single-vessel coronary artery disease without myocardial infarction. In this paper, an extremely rare case of anterolateral papillary muscle rupture caused by chronic ischemia due to single-vessel coronary artery disease is presented. Since the patient of this case had remained hemodynamically stable and responded well to medical treatment, the mitral valve was successfully repaired 6 weeks after the onset of symptoms.
Raktiniai žodžiai: coronary artery disease, chronic myocardial ischemia, mitral valve, mitral regurgitation, mitral valve repair.
DOI: 10.35988/sm-hs.2020.013
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