Ona Davidonienė, Jelena Stanislavovienė, Janina Utkuvienė


Objective. To determine the prevalence of the depressiveness among rural residents in Lithuania. Material and methods. Randomly selected residents in Lithuanian villages participated in study. 1681 completed questionnaires were used for analysis. The depressiveness was evaluated according to Zung self-rating depression scale. The significance of data was estimated by the χ2 and Fisher tests. Results and conclusions: It was established, that 6.0% of rural residents in Lithuanian experience depressiveness. The higher prevalence of depressiveness established among woman, older people, pensioners, people with secondary education, people, whose marriage unregistered, and whose incomes are less than 500Lt per month.

Article in Lithuanian


Keyword(s): depressiveness, prevalence, rural residents
DOI: 10.5200/243
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