Renata Stonkutė


The aim of this work: to evaluate the influence of the order of priority in physiotherapy procedures on treating adhesive shoulder function after arthroscopical release

The goals of this work are:

1. To estimate efficiency of physical therapy impact of shoulder mobility and strength subject to succession after arthroscopic operation of capsule adhesion;
2. To estimate of physical therapy impact of shoulder pain intensity and self-independence in daily life subject to succession after arthroscopic operation of capsule adhesion;
3. To prepare recommendation for individual physical therapy to accomplish program subject to succession after arthroscopic operation of capsule adhesion.Hypothesis: Shoulder mobility, strength, pain and self-independence alteration depends on physical therapy subject to succession after arthroscopic operation of shoulder capsule adhesion.

Methodology of investigation: contingent of investigation consist of 36 patients after arthroscopic operation of shoulder capsule adhesion in Palanga rehabilitation hospital in 2005-2007. Each patient had the rehabilitation and physical therapy program. All investigative groups were divided in two groups of 18 patients. The first investigative group had overland physical therapy after physical therapy in swimming pool and the second control group had physical therapy in swimming pool after overland physical therapy. Analyzes of statistics was made with “SPSS” program and MS Excel.

Conclusion. Established, that statistical purposeful (p<0,001) was bigger in the first investigative group shoulder mobility and strength measure than in the second-control group. The all groups patients self-independence in daily life was two times better in Oxford estimation. Established, that reduction of shoulder pain intensity assessed by VATS scale statistical purposeful (p<0,001) in the first investigative group.

Keyword(s): shoulder joint, adhesive capsulitis, arthroscopic operation
DOI: 10.5200/2
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