Donata Petronytė, Giedrė Trakinienė


Purpose. The goal of this research was to evaluate a parental approach of the orthodontic patients to an orthodontic treatment. Methods. An anonymous questionnaire between the orthodontic patients’ parents and guardians was conducted at Orthodontic Clinic of Kaunas Clinic. The study involved 229 respondents (mean age 39.48 ± 6.84 yr), 194 of which were mothers, 20 fathers and 15 guardians. Results. 59.4% of the parents and guardians made an appointment at the Orthodontic Clinic because they were encouraged to do so by their children’s dentist, speech therapist or other specialist, while 48% of them contacted the Clinic based on their own decision. More than 96% of the parents and guardians felt that a correct occlusion would improve their child’s quality of life and oral care. Conclusion. Most of the parents strongly believe that a correct occlusion would improve their child’s quality of life and believe in their ability to properly take care of their child during an orthodontic treatment in order to achieve the best results.

Keyword(s): orthodontic treatment; patients and parents; malocclusion; oral health.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.001
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