Vilma Rastenienė, Loreta Lastauskienė


The study involved 50 respondents. There were 32 women (64%) and 18 males (36%). Respondents were selected according to age, belonging to a high risk group of women aged from 50 to 65, men aged from 40 to 55 years of age. The results showed that patients have little knowledge about the ongoing program for cardiovascular diseases. Most of the information about the program, health and the ways to strengthen it has been received from family doctors and nurses; however, patients found very little or did not find any information in newspapers and magazines. Also, it was found that patients understand the importance of cardiovascular diseases at the theoretical level, but that does not translate into practice. Patients welcomed the healthy way of life, but many failed to follow the advice. Many ran out of intrinsic motivation and have expected incentives, reminders and personal attention from nurses.

Keyword(s): cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular disease prevention.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.087
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