Dalia Jurgaitienė


The aim – to examine students‘ views of Klaipeda in drug addiction and drug-detection tests. Completed an anonymous questionnaire of general education and vocational training schools survey. Total of 544 questionnaires were used for analysis: 276 questionnaires from general education and 268- from vocational education schools. Of them – 48.7 percent were boys and 51.3 percent – girls . Respondents‘ average age: 17.6 – from general education and 18.4 – from professional schools. The article discusses how students evaluate drug problem in Lithuania politically, morally, economically and socially. Also, were discussed, what are the causes of teenage drug use. The second part attempts to explore how students evaluate the drug-detection tests. It was found that 44.3 percent boys and 41.5 percent girls agree that students should be tested for illegal drug use. 39.8 percent boys and 39.7 percent girls does not agree, but 15.9 percent boys and 18.8 percent girls do not have an opinion on this issue. More than half of students think that their parents would prefer that the school would be school drug testing. 79.6 percent students believe that schools should eliminate drugs – spread students and 48.2 percent – and drug-using students.

Keyword(s): children; attitudes towards drugs and drug addiction; drug detection tests
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.010
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