Alvydas Navickas, Vita Danilevičiūtė, Eugenijus Laurinaitis, Eglė Biliūtė, Ilona Ulevičiūtė


In the scientific and clinical community, there is a high focus on hi-posexuality, hypersexuality remains on the sideline. Studies have found that hypersexuality (compulsive sexual behavior) occurs in 3-6% of the USA population. Sexual addiction is considered as a chronical disorder, the person is looking for repetitive sexual stimulation, in spite of negative consequences.
In this article, are described the hypersexuality definition, etiology, prevalence, classification, occurrence form, comorbidity and diagnostic, based on reviewed literature data. Hypersexuality is also evaluated as a symptom and as a separate nosological unit.

Article in Lithuanian


Keyword(s): hypersexuality, hipersexual disorder, compulsive sexual behavior, sexual addiction, hyperphilia
DOI: 10.5200/277
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