Evelina Globė, Antanas Goštautas


The purpose of the study was to assess the tendency towards suicide and its changes in 2000-2010 among male and female schoolchildren of 11th and 12th grades, establish relationship between male and female suicidal tendencies and psychosocial adjustment. Subjects in the study were schoolchildren of 11th and 12th grades of one of the administrative districts (Kaunas region) in Lithuania. There were a total of 3603 subjects: 2013 (55.9 %) female and 1590 (44.1%) male. The study was conducted in 2000- 2010 on five occasions (2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, and 2010). During the research the schoolchildren answered questionnaires to assess their adaptation in writing (A. Goštautas, 1998). According to the total score of Suicidal Tendencies Scale, three groups of suicidal tendencies were formed (zero, average and elevated suicidal tendencies). Subjects who attempted suicide were identified using relevant questions. The analysis of the changes in suicidal tendencies in 2000-2010 among male and female adolescent was performed. According to the research results there was a significant decline in suicidal tendencies among schoolchildren of 11th and 12th grades (both females and males) from 2000 to 2010 as measured by Suicidal Tendencies scale. Suicidal Tendencies scale scores are significantly higher for females than for males, but this difference between female and male gradually declined 2000-2010. There is no significant difference between female and male suicidal tendencies in 2010. In elevated suicidal tendencies group females have significantly higher scores of depression mood, low selfesteem, loneliness, anxiety, impulsivity, learning and behavioural problems, adverse family environment scales than male. Males have significantly higher scores of conflict-ridden relationships with teachers, experienced violence and substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, nicotine) scales than females.

Keyword(s): suicide; suicidality; personality features; social factors; unhealthy habits
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.111
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