Žibuoklė Senikienė, Augustas Lukoševičius, Vilma Jurkštienė, Genovaitė Šimonienė-Kazlauskienė, Milda Gintilienė


Problem. Society is more interested in nutrition and it‘s effects on health. Healthy nutrition helps to save and strengthen health, prevents diseases. Healthy food not only guarantee good health but it gives an opportunity to protect and strengthen it. Health, efficiency, beauty depends on everyone‘s efforts. Healthy nutrition effects mental and physical development, ability to work, longevity. We have to eat according to food ration. Food ration is an amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water which we should take per day. Every individ is related to nutrition since childhood and it is one of the most important environmental condition affecting our organisms. Healthy eating habits are formed in the early days – therefore it is important to analize eating habits of students. Methods. Questionnaire survey method. Survey was carried out without violence of respondents rights. Survey included 396 students: 168 men (42,42 %) and 228 women (57,58 %); aged 18 – 25. 114 (28,8 %) respondents study at University of Lithuanian Health Sciences , 70 (17,7 %) at Kaunas University of Technology, 76 (19,2 %) at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, 86 (21,7%) at Lithuanian Sports University and the rest 50 respondents (12,6%) work and do not study . Most of the girls (33,3% ) study at University of Lithuanian Health Sciences, most of the boys (25%) study at Lithuanian Sports University. Distribution of men and women is statistically significant (p = 0,05) Statistical analysis has been done using Statistical Package for the Social Science statistical analysis software package. Results. Respondents have counted the composition of daily food ration (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Composition of food ration is: proteins 14,02 %, fats 41,25 % carbohydrates 38,16 %. Men approximately eat 2914 kcal, women – 2100 kcal. Respondents answers show that most of famales eat vegetables every day ( 56,2%), male students – 43,38%. 75 % of respondents eat sweets every day. Only 8 % do not eat sweets; 17% eat sweets rarely. Energy drinks consume 62.37 percent. 18 – 25 year olds, and 10.6 percent. use them regularly. This shows the great popularity of these drinks, as more than half of the young age people have tried these drinks effect. Conclusions. Consumption of proteins is normal, of fats – too high, of carbohydrates – too low. Amount of consumed calories is up to standard. Respondents answers show that consumption of vegetables is normal however consumption of sweets is too high. If nutrition matches to physiological needs of our organisms, relies on the principles of healthy eating and main rules and recommendations of the healthy eating pyramid, if we go on a healthy diet – nutrition will help us to preserve and strengthen our health.

Keyword(s): student nutrition; nutrition habits; nutrition regiment.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.093
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